Thursday, August 13, 2009


Our university water tower came tumbling down today -- on purpose. Instead of the university supplying its own water, we are now part of the city water supply. And instead of doing it the boring way and taking the tower down piece by piece, we decided to let it fall. YEA!!! Before... After...


septembermom said...

Hey that must have been a sight! That's an exciting way to to do it.

Lucy Marie said...

Oooh that sounds exciting!

Rachelle said...


Anonymous said...

Didn't they want to tell that guy in the white truck that he should back up?

Mari said...

That was fun! I'm glad you took a video of it!

LuAnn said...

WOW - that is something to see!!

sara said...

wow, it always amazes me how they can bring structures like that down!

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