Betty is starting three days of chemo again this week. Her schedule is three days of chemo one week, then one week of radiation, rinse and repeat. She hates chemo most of all, so continue to keep her in your prayers as she starts it back up this week.
Charlie sent me some text pictures of her. The first is from her first week of chemo, the day she started, I believe. The second is from last Wednesday, the day she received her iPod shuffle with songs already downloaded from my parents. I gave my mom a CD for Christmas with some of her favorite old-time Christian songs on it, including, “This Battle is Not Yours” and “Speak to the Mountain” (I also threw in some of my favorite NeedtoBreathe and Nicole C. Mullen songs), and Mom wanted me to make a playlist for Betty with those songs. The day she received the Shuffle, Charlie sent me that second picture and this text: “She’s crying tears of joy.”
So continue to keep praying for her. She told me last week that it meant so much to her to know that people were praying. She is so thankful for your messages to God.
Saturday, too, she had a “normal” day – going to the mall, eating a steak, and watching “True Grit.” She told my aunt it was the best day she’s had in a long time.
Let’s pray that more good days like that are just around the corner.