Friday, January 21, 2011

My experience with dry shampoo

(P.S. Please continue to send verses for my aunt -- see below or click here -- if you would like. I love having great lists of fantastic verses from y’all to mail. I know they encourage her greatly.)

If you’ve been reading this blog or know me personally, you know I run. My husband calls me an addict. I’m okay with that. Now.

However, running also cuts into other activities, such as leisure time. And bath time. Oh, the bath time.

It doesn’t help that my hair is getting fairly long and is really thick (thank you, Mom, for fantastic hair genes), so it takes a lot of shampoo and conditioner to wash and a lot of time (15-20 mins) to blow dry. I heart summer time. I’ll leave it wet and curly. However, unless I wanted to die from freezing, I can’t do that now.

Oh, and I help out at basketball games during the winter, too. Which cuts down on more time. Bath time, that is.

On days when I have church or basketball (or Lord knows what other extra-curricular activity), I try to run from 5 p.m. to somewhere before 6 p.m. Then I drive like a maniac home to quickly shower and somewhat blow dry my hair and throw it up in a ponytail. In 30 mins or less.

It. Is. A. ROYAL. Pain.

So I got my hair trimmed recently, and my friend Angie started talking about this dry shampoo she has. I had heard of it, but I was skeptical. I like clean hair. I’m lucky because, if I don’t run and sweat, I don’t have to wash my hair for around three days. However, I run at least every other day. So that doesn’t happen very often anymore.

Angie suggested I try it for nights that I run and then have another activity. So I did.

Runners, beware: I have a new love.

The dry shampoo I bought from Angie is Kenra, and it is fabulous. On Wednesday, after a short run, I decided to try it out. I was just a teeny bit sweaty, so I sprayed it in my hair and, after it dried, brushed it through my hair.

Not only was my hair no longer sweaty, but it had probably more bounce than it did before I threw it up in a ponytail to run.


And, as embarrassed as I (kind of) am to admit this, I haven’t (wet) washed my hair since Tuesday. Granted, it needs a washing (and will receive one) tonight, but it does not look nasty. Seriously.

The only downside to the shampoo was a bit of white that made my hair look gray at first, but it was easily brushed/wiped out.

However, if you’re a runner or exerciser or anything like that, I’d suggest the dry shampoo. It won’t necessarily be as good as a wash, but if you’re short on time, it’s a lifesaver.


Brooke said...

are we talking a little sweaty or drenched? cause i'm in the market for something after a very warm spin class.

ps - we're colder than you and i still leave the house with a wet/curly head! :P

SusanD said...

I've heard of dry shampoo. I'm gonna have to give it a try. Thanks. Blessings, SusanD

Terri said...

Wow - that sounds great! I'm in a time crunch this semester, too, and I think this might be the solution - at least sometimes!

Lindsey Walpole said...

I love dry shampoo! Congrats on the new find! :)

misti said...

Marli got a bunch of kendra stuff for's awesome! Lol, glad you found a short cut ;)