Tuesday, August 21, 2012


If I were a smoker, I’d need a smoke right about now. As it is, I’m a nerd with asthma, so there’s no way I’ll be around cigarette smoke.

What’s causing this craziness, you ask? Bathroom renovations.

*breathes heavily into a paper bag*

I cannot WAIT until the bathroom is done, for more than one reason. First, it’s going to be GAW-GEOUS. Seriously, this is my dream guest bathroom. Unfortunately for guests who will use it in the future, it will also eventually wind up as the kid bathroom. Secondly, I don’t do chaos in my house. I’m not necessarily the cleanest or tidiest person, but, as I told a friend yesterday, if you spend the night at my house, you don’t have to wonder if you should wear shower shoes in the tub. It’s clean. Promise.

Gulp. Was clean.

The demolition started yesterday, and, because I’m crazy, I have to avoid the bathroom area. I try to ignore it, which, frankly, is a little difficult, as there is visqueen along my carpet going down the stairs. The poor pooch hates the tarp. She’s very finicky about different textures, and, while she hates my super soft Bath and Body Works robe, she also hates the texture of the visqueen. I’ve finally convinced her to walk down the stairs on her on, but there were a few hours last night when she refused to walk on it.

See? Dog’s crazy, too.

The awful pink tile is almost gone. It’s completely gone from surrounding the bathtub, which means there’s a whhhooolllleee lot of broken tile on my bathroom floor. But, no, wait. We’re not going to focus on that here. =) This is a happy blog, so I’m going to focus on what the bathroom is going to look like in a few weeks.

The light fixture:

I’m trying to go for a romantic mood here, and I like copper, so that’s why I went with that choice. I also like neutral colors, so it’s all a win. However, let me be the first to say that picking out a shower faucet to match my sink (just wait) was ridiculously time-consuming.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, my favorite part of the new bathroom – the sink. I splurged a bit because, hey, it is a remodel, and if I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it right.

Ahhh…I love this sink.

This is why I’m going to be okay with the current chaos of my guest bathroom: for the sink, ha! Kyle’s already said that he might want to switch bathrooms (we both share the master bath currently) because he knows this one is going to be fantastic.

The process is started, and it will be complete. I just have to be a little patient. Just a little.

**All photos from Lowes.com.


misti said...

It's going to be gorgeous! Ya got good taste, dude. My bathrooms are pretty outdated, but I cant complain because guess what: I have more than one now! Can't wait to see y'all!

misti said...

My word veri was "coot saga." just thought that was worth noting.

Meredith said...

What a beautiful sink!

Also, I totally understand. I don't do well living in the midst of renovations at all!

Brooke said...

its definitely going to be gorgeous!! i went through the same with our bathroom remodel - i told jay never again! i'm gonna have to live in a hotel or something next time we have work done on the house 57 bybudy

Mari said...

I hate chaos too, and bathroom redo's certainly make chaos. However - it's going to be beautiful! I love what you've chosen.

Aleta said...

Awesome sink! Love it and definitely the fixture have a romantic appeal! Remind me to ask you for help when we (one day in the far, far, far future) renovate our bathroom :) We have tiles that my grandmother remembers from when she was a little girl. They are original with the house.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that sink, alone, is worth all of the work sista!

I have an idea for your lighting as well. {Love them!}

Will email you.

Deb-Del said...

Hello Penny,
I don't know if you are still blogging but I would love to see how your bathroom remodel came out! I just bought the same sink as you and I was curious about color combinations that work with it. My only missing piece at this point is the paint for the walls.
Thanks in advance for answering.
All best,