Thursday, May 6, 2010

I’m starting to think they don’t like me…

It started with Professor A.

I’m trying to take an independent study course this fall. This is beneficial for several reasons: 1) I get to work on my methodology section for my dissertation. 2) I get a chance to possibly work with a professor I haven’t had a class with yet. 3) I don’t have to actually “go” to class. Repeat: I DON’T HAVE TO GO TO CLASS.

In other words, I’m a big fan of the IS.

But I’m starting to feel like the black sheep of the Ph.D. program. First, I went to Professor A. He suggested about five other professors because, as he said, “They have more experience with your subject matter (political communication) than I do. But if you need me to teach you, I will.” No thanks, friend, I’ll find someone else. It’s cool.

Head to Professor B, who had good reasons for not teaching me. He doesn’t have much experience with political communication or qualitative research, which I’m conducting. Still cool. He assured me, though, “We’re not going to leave you orphaned without someone to teach you an IS class.” He then recommended another professor, the head of the department, actually, whom I hit up today.

Professor C: “You know, why don’t you try Professor D? She graduated from LSU, and you know they have that really good political communication program down there…Tell her I told you to contact her.”

SERIOUSLY??!! By now, I feel like I’ve struck out. But I’m hoping that D will be the winner. She is from LSU (I’d say “Go, Tigers!” but about 10 people might kill me. Maybe, “Go, Louisiana!”?). She loves sports (even though she’s a Cubs fan, but thank goodness she’s not a Yankees fan…right, Brooke? LOL). So maybe this is a winner.

We’ll see. Someone else everybody keeps recommending to me is that crazy professor I’ve had this semester. You know, the one who made me want to knock my head up against a wall? Yeah, her. I’ll go through the whole mass com list first.

And it’s looking like I may have to.


Tara said...

It isn't that they don't like you; they just don't want to add any more to thier own work load. It isn't you, it is them. Don't worry, it'll all work out. Just keep asking...

Brooke said...

good luck in the search, but as far as i'm concerned a sox fan and a cubs fan deserve one another!

Jill said...

Don't take it personally! Maybe "D" is the one you're supposed to have, and will be absolutely fabulous. Hope it works out for you!

Mari said...

I'm hoping the 4th time's the charm!

septembermom said...

Hope it all works out! What a headache for you. I'm betting that the 4th one will be just right.

Audra Krell said...

Hi! I came over from Ginger's blog, I love your banner and the whole look of your blog. Sounds like a frustrating time, but I trust God will bring the right person forth, hang in there!